Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006

still dropping back

I never would have thought it, but it's true. It's a been a few months now, and I'm still dropping back into Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel). More importantly, I'm loving it. In fact, I prefer it to coming up from the floor these days.

My heels lift on the way down but I'm okay with that. It seems like the options are heels lifting or, grounded heels turning in. I tried grounding my heels and allowing them to roll in, just to see what it was like. Didn't like it. It didn't feel good in my hips. At least when my heels are up, I can keep my hips rolling in.

It's a nice change when something in my practice that used to be terrifying becomes actual fun.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Successful double-team

I'm happy to report no shoulder pain. This is usually the time of year when my shoulders start getting achey; my bursitis starts to flair as the weather gets colder. Of course, it's apparently not going to get cold this year but that's another topic.

What seems to be making the big difference this year is my successful double-team: Acupuncture and Massage/Cranio-Sacral Therapy every other week with Victoria Koos and Jeremy Quinby, respectively. Rather than waiting to see what might happen this year and then trying to deal with it after, I'm treating the situation before it becomes a problem. It's totally working. So well, in fact, that I'm actually able to practice Gomukasana with my arms on both sides. That's never been the case. It's liberating. I don't feel like I have back off my practice, or be overly careful on the mat. Consequently, I've kind of been kicking my own ass, and I kinda like it ; )

Thursday, November 09, 2006

from NOLA

I was down at Wild Lotus Yoga Center in New Orleans back in April.
It's a great community of yogis. If you're there, you MUST check them out.
My teachers taught a couple of workshops that weekend.
There was a reporter from the Times-Picayune covering
Dana Flynn's Vinyasa Gospel. I think the photographer liked me.
Here are some nice pics.

Make sure to choose "large" and "captions" when you get to the page.

going back to paradise

Costa Rica, here we come! In six months, that is.
Paul and I have decided to return to Montezuma in
April (16-20) for another retreat. Can't wait!
There will be details up on the site - - next week.
Stay tuned.